Here are the small-print parameters:
My friend Jim has asked for lists of our Top 100 songs from our circle of friends; we all met at St. Bonaventure University back in the late 1970s, early ’80s. We did this once before, in 1989.
This time around, instead of putting on my rock critic toque, I’m going with the songs I’m most likely to play on my iPhone, the stuff I listen to every day when I’m driving around or working in the yard or doing the dishes. It’s not what I listen to when I’m exploring new music. It’s also not a “greatest music ever” list; it’s a list of favorites. I love these songs.
I’ve set a rule for myself that no artist gets more than one song. There are just too many great songs to give anybody more than one, although I’ll make an exception for people who broke off from groups.
As you’ll see, it helps if I have a personal connection with a song. I also love local performers; I just wish I could have put more into the countdown!